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Guide to Selecting Quality Pilot Schools at Home and Abroad

Last modified on March 25, 2019

Having aspirations to become a pilot must have maximum preparation in advance. Imagine, the high level of competitors and the rigor of the implementation of the test if without a mature self-inventory, whether academic or health skills can cause yourself to fail selection of pilot schools. Not to mention if the tuition fees cannot be repaid, it is likely to cause cadets to drop out of school. The preparation for entering a pilot school must be maximized so that the name stated on the announcement is declared to be eligible.

However, what is equally important to note in entering a pilot school is the reputation of the school itself. Why? Because when cadets apply for work at the airline, the cadet will pass a series of tests first, if it meets the criteria for the airline pilot, it might be acceptable to work. Hence, prospective cadet pilots should not be arbitrary in choosing a school even though the need for pilots in various parts of the world is very high. If becoming a pilot is also your goal, you should use the guidelines below to choose the right and quality pilot school, both domestically and abroad.

The national airline of Garuda Indonesia began on Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 00.01, again serving flight operations as a follow-up to transportation control policies during July 1, 2020.

This policy refers to the provisions of the Circular Letter for Task Force for Handling COVID -19 Number 4 Year 2020 and PM 25 Year 2020 regulation of the Ministry of Transportation of the United state of American. The flight service is operated by referring to the criteria of the people who can access transportation services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Such as passengers who will carry out official duties, public interests, health and medical, people who will return to their area of origin, the need for repatriation, services important economic functions.

As well as the mobilization of Indonesian migrant workers and other passenger criteria that are regulated in accordance with the policies set by the COVID-19 Acceleration Task Force.

Find out how many instructors you have

The number of instructors is also an important part to know in choosing a pilot school. The instructor is an intermediary who transmits knowledge to the pilot cadet. Of course the instructor’s quantity needs to be carefully considered in order to obtain maximum knowledge. It is a good idea to do a survey of various schools to compare the number of instructors they have so that they can choose the leading school. Many instructors become opportunities to gain deep knowledge. But don’t forget the instructor profile, make sure that the instructor is also a professional person especially a graduate from a quality pilot school as well as with high experience in the world of aviation.

In order not to choose the wrong pilot school and spend a lot of money wasted, you also have to monitor the alumni. Alumni have received enough provisions to work in the world of work. If there are many alumni who are unemployed, it is better to look for other flight schools that are proven to have quality graduates where most of them are absorbed in the world of work. That way, you also have the opportunity to become a qualified cadet pilot.


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